Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ced, cmeerw, rouilj
Date 2020-10-28.00:25:59
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Cédric:

Including Christof.

In message <>,
=?utf-8?q?C=C3=A9dric_Krier?= writes:
>The SimpleMDE editor has GFM activated by default [1] which means
>that it does autolinks [2]. The problem is that markdown2 does
>not. So user put raw links thinking they will be rendered as link
>(because of the SimpleMDE preview).

Rather than modfying the back end could we identify bare URL's in the
markdown text and surround them with < > making them first class links
on the fly?

I think we do something similar to hyperlink issue2345 and msg234 in
markdown right Christof? At least I thing there is something that
makes markdown play with local_replace.
Date User Action Args
2020-10-28 00:25:59rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, cmeerw, ced
2020-10-28 00:25:59rouiljlinkissue2551096 messages
2020-10-28 00:25:59rouiljcreate