Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author mbehrle
Recipients mbehrle, rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2020-12-20.11:46:07
Message-id <>
Hi John,

> I can't manage to reproduce your problem. It looks like the regression 
> tests do test this code path and your patch breaks all these tests.
> The \n\n is correct as 'l' is a set of message sections separated by
> blank lines, so \n\n terminates the last line in the previous section 
> and adds a blank line.

Ok, than this should not be the reason.
> What are the settings for these options in the mailgw section of your 
> config.ini:
>   keep_quoted_text
>   leave_body_unchanged
>   eol_re
>   blankline_re
>   sign_re

Settings of the mailgw section:

keep_quoted_text = yes
leave_body_unchanged = yes/no -> this one makes the difference
default_class = issue
language = 
subject_prefix_parsing = strict
subject_suffix_parsing = strict
subject_suffix_delimiters = []
subject_content_match = always
subject_updates_title = no
refwd_re = (\s*\W?\s*(fw|fwd|re|aw|sv|ang)\W)+
origmsg_re = ^[>|\s]*-----\s?Original Message\s?-----$
sign_re = ^[>|\s]*-- ?$
eol_re = [\r\n]+
blankline_re = [\r\n]+\s*[\r\n]+
unpack_rfc822 = no
ignore_alternatives = no
convert_htmltotext = none
keep_real_from = no

Thank you for looking into this!
Date User Action Args
2020-12-20 11:46:07mbehrlesetmessageid: <>
2020-12-20 11:46:07mbehrlesetrecipients: + mbehrle, schlatterbeck, rouilj
2020-12-20 11:46:07mbehrlelinkissue2551106 messages
2020-12-20 11:46:07mbehrlecreate