Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 2550858

Month intervals at the end of long months yield the wrong day
Type: behavior Severity: normal
Components: Web interface, User Interface Versions: devel, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3
Status: new
: : ThomasAH, ber, rouilj, schlatterbeck
Priority: normal : patch

Created on 2014-10-31 15:40 by ThomasAH, last changed 2025-01-19 03:43 by rouilj.

File name Uploaded Description Edit Remove
fix-popup-cal-month.patch ThomasAH, 2022-06-01 09:39
fix-popup-cal-year.patch ThomasAH, 2022-06-01 09:41
datecopy.js rouilj, 2025-01-14 17:32 Make copy/paste easier on date fields by doubleclick
msg5156 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2014-10-31 15:40
Tested in the current devel version, but I assume it affects all
previous versions, too:

>>> from roundup import date
>>> date.Date("2014-10-31 +1m")
<Date 2014-12-01.00:00:00.000>
This should yield 2014-11-30

>>> date.Date("2014-10-31 -1m")
<Date 2014-10-01.00:00:00.000>
This should yield 2014-09-30

This affects at least the popup calender and searching for date ranges.

The culprit is the following code from addInterval():

    while month < 1 or month > 12 or day < 1 or day > get_mdays(year,month):
        # now to day under/over
        if day < 1:
            # When going backwards, decrement month, then increment days
            month -= 1
            day += get_mdays(year,month)
        elif day > get_mdays(year,month):
            # When going forwards, decrement days, then increment month
            day -= get_mdays(year,month)
            month += 1

        # possibly fix up the month so we're within range
        while month < 1 or month > 12:
            if month < 1: year -= 1; month += 12 ; day += 31
            if month > 12: year += 1; month -= 12

Reproducible by running "./" after applying the
following patch:

diff -r b76710818d31 test/
--- a/test/	Mon Oct 20 14:10:32 2014 -0400
+++ b/test/	Fri Oct 31 16:35:41 2014 +0100
@@ -122,6 +122,19 @@
         date = Date('2000-01-01 + 2m')
         ae(str(date), '2000-03-01.00:00:00')
+        date = Date('2000-01-29 + 1m')
+        ae(str(date), '2000-02-29.00:00:00')
+        date = Date('2001-01-29 + 1m')
+        ae(str(date), '2000-02-28.00:00:00')
+        date = Date('2001-01-30 + 1m')
+        ae(str(date), '2000-02-28.00:00:00')
+        date = Date('2000-10-31 + 1m')
+        ae(str(date), '2000-11-30.00:00:00')
+        date = Date('2000-10-31 - 1m')
+        ae(str(date), '2000-09-30.00:00:00')
+        date = Date('2000-03-31 - 1m')
+        ae(str(date), '2000-02-29.00:00:00')
         date = Date('2000-01-01') + Interval('60d')
         ae(str(date), '2000-03-01.00:00:00')
         date = Date('2001-01-01') + Interval('60d')
msg6818 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2019-11-13 15:39
A similar problem occurs when adding/substracting years when the
current day does not exist in the target year, i.e. only for
February 29th:

This works as expected:
>>> date.Date('2020-02-29') + date.Interval('+4y')
<Date 2024-02-29.00:00:00.000>

Here you can see the issue:
>>> date.Date('2020-02-29') + date.Interval('+1y')
<Date 2021-03-01.00:00:00.000>
>>> date.Date('2020-02-29') + date.Interval('-1y')
<Date 2019-03-01.00:00:00.000>
msg7553 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2022-06-01 09:39
This patch is from 2019, not sure if it still applies or works correctly:


Calendar Popup: Fix prev/next month for shorter months

Jump to correct month if the prev/next month has fewer days (e.g. 28/29/30)
than the currently selected day (e.g. 29/30/31)

Based on a fix by Ludwig Reiter <>
msg7554 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2022-06-01 09:41
Second patch from 2019:


Calendar Popup: Fix prev/next year for shorter February

Patch by Ludwig Reiter <>
msg7555 Author: [hidden] (schlatterbeck) Date: 2022-06-01 09:52
Thanks, Thomas, for reminding us of the existence of this old issue.

Concerning the patches, as outlined in issue2551208: I don't think this should be fixed in the calendar popup code but instead in (after adding tests that specify what results should look like).

The bug has the potential of turning up in other places where the Data + Interval logic doesn't do the right thing.
msg7556 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2022-06-01 10:08
> but instead in

I agree that this would be better.

> specify what results should look like

This is the hard part :)
msg7580 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2022-06-16 23:17
It looks like the current code acts the same as gnu date:

1 month adds the number of days in month of starting date
take that date as the new starting date and add another current month's
worth of days.

so 2022-01-29 + 1 month adds 31 days -> 2022-03-01,
   2022-01-29 + 2 months adds 31 + 28 days (non-leap year) -> 2022-03-29

   2020-02-10 + 1 month (leap year) + 29 days

now when going backwards it subtracts the number of days in the previous month:

   2022-05-29 - 1 month subtracts 30 days (April) -> 2022-04-29


   2022-01-10 - 1 month subtracts 31 days (dec) -> 2021-12-10

So I claim roundup is doing a right thing here at least.

Thomas I think your desired test cases are handled by changing to:

  adding the number of days in the next month
  subtracting the days in the current month?

Is that less confusing/more desirable or more correct according to some authority?
msg7581 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2022-06-17 05:12
* John Rouillard <> [20220617 01:37]:
> Thomas I think your desired test cases are handled by changing to:
>   adding the number of days in the next month

No, this doesn't work in months with more days than the next, e.g.:
2022-05-01 + 1 month (30 days) = 2022-05-31

-> still the same month instead of the next

> or
>   subtracting the days in the current month?

This would work.

So either changing the UI part instead of the date calculations is
the right thing here or we have to accept that
date + 1 month - 1 month != date
and just properly document it.

And don't forget that +/- 1 year in February needs to be adjusted,
  2024-02-29 + 1 year = 2025-02-28
  2025-02-28 - 1 year = 2024-02-28 (or -29?)
msg7583 Author: [hidden] (schlatterbeck) Date: 2022-06-20 11:12
On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 11:17:54PM +0000, John Rouillard wrote:
> John Rouillard added the comment:
> It looks like the current code acts the same as gnu date:

John, the mechanism is mainly used for the prev/next links in the
calendar widget. So if this sometimes does not navigate to the
previous/next month and sometimes jumps two months this is a bug. No
matter what Gnu date says :-)

I think we should fix it so that it works for the documented bug cases.

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  www:
Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling       email:
msg8266 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2025-01-14 05:01
Silly question. Can we do away with the calendar widget entirely by setting
"type=date" on the input and use the browser native calendar?

If I can get this to work, it would fix:

  issue2551124 - localize calendar
  issue2550527 - calendar styles buggy (left margin)
  issue2550935 - Calendar popup does not show current value of date field.
                 Shows original value.

and partly addresses:

  issue2551260 - Replace classhelp/calendar frame system

This fix is literally 12 characters.

Anybody got any ideas/thoughts here?
msg8267 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2025-01-14 06:06
Using type=date would be an improvement to the current situation,
even though we would lose copy&paste for this field, unless adding
something like

+1 from me
msg8268 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2025-01-14 17:32
I attached the file datecopy.js and include it using:

      <script tal:attributes="nonce request/client/client_nonce"
              tal:content="structure python:utils.readfile('datecopy.js')">

in the template.

datecopy.js is derived from the stackoverflow you mention except I attach the
doubleclick handler to the body element. Then use event delegation to receive
the doubleclick and check to see if the event target is an input of type
'date' or 'datetime-local'. If that is true, swap the type, select the contents,
attach a focusout handler to reset the type to it's original type.

I am not handling any touch events, so table users will not be able to copy,
but I don't think the calendar popup worked well on touch displays so this
should be a net win for them too.

I also had some failed experiments trying to capture copy/paste on the date
element. I was able to capture them at the body level, but it seems like the
target was (in most cases) the body element itself not the focused date element.

For reference and easy review here is datecopy.js:

/* capture doubleclicks and if it's a date element, select the date for
   copying. Derived from

document.querySelector("body").addEventListener('dblclick', (evt) => {
    if ( != "INPUT") {

    if (! ["date", "datetime-local"].includes( {

    /* we have a date type input */
    target =
    original_type = target.attributes.type.value;
    target.type = "text";

    // After changing input type with JS .select() won't
    // work as usual
    // Needs timeout fn() to make it work
    setTimeout(() => {;

    // register the focusout event to reset the input back
    // to a date input field. Once it triggers the handler
    // is deleted to be added on the next doubleclick.
    // This also should end the closure of original_type.
    target.addEventListener('focusout', () => {
        target.type = original_type;
    }, {once: true});
msg8296 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2025-01-19 03:43
The fix for issue2551390 - Replace text input/calendar popup with native date input;
committed on changeset:   8285:2bf0c4e7795e. Also a newer version of datecopy.js was
committed. See msg8289 for details.

So only the underlying interval calculations in need to be addressed.

Since our has been here since 2001, would we be able to use python's
date routines and intervals instead? That way we just default to the standard
Date User Action Args
2025-01-19 03:43:01rouiljsetmessages: + msg8296
2025-01-14 17:32:53rouiljsetmessages: + msg8268
2025-01-14 17:32:34rouiljsetfiles: + datecopy.js
2025-01-14 06:06:43ThomasAHsetmessages: + msg8267
2025-01-14 05:01:35rouiljsetmessages: + msg8266
2024-05-26 04:19:33rouiljsetcomponents: + Web interface, User Interface, - Infrastructure
2024-05-26 04:18:30rouiljlinkissue2551208 superseder
2024-05-26 04:17:50rouiljsetsuperseder: Calender 'next month' link fails on day 31 of a month ->
2022-06-20 11:12:36schlatterbecksetmessages: + msg7583
2022-06-17 05:12:51ThomasAHsetmessages: + msg7581
2022-06-16 23:19:49rouiljsetsuperseder: Calender 'next month' link fails on day 31 of a month
2022-06-16 23:17:54rouiljsetmessages: + msg7580
2022-06-01 10:08:01ThomasAHsetmessages: + msg7556
2022-06-01 09:52:45schlatterbecksetmessages: + msg7555
2022-06-01 09:41:12ThomasAHsetfiles: + fix-popup-cal-year.patch
messages: + msg7554
2022-06-01 09:39:57ThomasAHsetfiles: + fix-popup-cal-month.patch
nosy: + schlatterbeck, rouilj
messages: + msg7553
keywords: + patch
2019-11-13 15:39:56ThomasAHsetmessages: + msg6818
2014-12-11 09:00:39bersetnosy: + ber
2014-10-31 15:40:52ThomasAHcreate