Roundup Tracker - Issues

List of issues

Activity Title Creator
40 months ago FR: Add an option to hide the option "- no selection -" in the <select> menu ngaba
40 months ago optimizing menu() et al. stefan
41 months ago Create new Computed property type rouilj
45 months ago Test jinja2 - boolean config options are represented as 0/1 strings. rouilj
45 months ago OpenPGP Mail should not change subject on memory-hole (protected headers) ber
47 months ago pgp encrypt=yes, but password reset email is sent unencrypted ThomasAH
48 months ago __redirect_to is restricted to absolute url only (Attn Bern, Ralf) antmail
48 months ago Roundup sets "Precedence: bulk" on all outgoing mail, which seems wrong. stefan
51 months ago roundup-admin find should support more than links rouilj
53 months ago Allow use of reStructured text (or maybe markdown or Creole) in messages rouilj
55 months ago Check uses of assert in roundup code. rouilj
55 months ago in "reponsive" template: in bug (and task) creation it is not visible, which fields are required. LudwigReiter
55 months ago In "responsive" template: click on hide comment leads to a red error msg. LudwigReiter
57 months ago Allow to find substring matches for all text search ber
57 months ago Error when configuring New -L (loghttpvialogger) option (on windows) matt109
57 months ago make default_value in hyperdb work or at least document its use. rouilj
57 months ago VARCHAR in multilink tables on MySQL whunger
59 months ago login box when using REMOTE_USER through 3rd party webserver DanielGrimwood
59 months ago Add OpenID authentication, perhaps others? (github) ajaksu2
62 months ago Consider removing 8-bit character set support joseph_myers
62 months ago Get all incoming mail interfaces working with Python 3 joseph_myers
63 months ago devel tracker template missing some patch support rouilj
68 months ago add support for local_replace to classic template ber
68 months ago Descending/Ascending selection for keyword doesn't tekberg
71 months ago Get all web interfaces working with Python 3 joseph_myers
73 months ago Consider distinguishing String and Bytes fields joseph_myers
79 months ago Add a +/- button to easily add/remove oneself from the Nosy list gregory.p.smith
82 months ago Audit file/message linking/unlinking ajaksu2
82 months ago Classic template binary search "(edit)" or "(expr)" link vanishes once an expression was entered ber
87 months ago Adjust log levels to have INFO log interesting regular events ber
87 months ago OpenPGP: losing emails when bouncing to users only unable to encrypt ber
87 months ago OpenPGP: homedir option ignored for nosy messages ber
88 months ago Refactor use of javascript in templates to support Content Security Policy (CSP) rouilj
90 months ago Calendar popup does not show current value of date field. Shows original value. rouilj
95 months ago Prevent reopening of issues after some time period has passed. rouilj
97 months ago Make classname translatable antmail
97 months ago Remove 10-lines limit for dropping email signatures ezio.melotti
97 months ago show current timezone thomas_ah
97 months ago make mail addressed to update issue 25. rouilj
97 months ago Handle incoming emails with very long lines by automatic wrapping pefu
97 months ago Bounced message should be sent as message/rfc822 attachment ced
97 months ago "Make a copy" always tries to write change not to @note although :note is also valid rouilj
98 months ago Binary filter operators specific to "keyword" should be more generic ber
98 months ago roundup-admin import for postgres causes id to be skipped tekberg
98 months ago RFE for login UI and sub-menu placement opendevnet
98 months ago Issue Update Fails when SMTP Server Fails anonymous
98 months ago setup wizard tobias-herp
98 months ago quiet properties enhancement for issue1714899 rouilj
98 months ago Recall queries that were public but are now private rouilj
98 months ago little template api for required fields tobias-herp
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