Roundup Tracker - Issues

List of issues

Activity Title Creator
6 months ago Set up magic link authentication/login rouilj
6 months ago Make password reset one time key time limit configurable rouilj
7 months ago Add method to roll back database migration rouilj
7 months ago Built-in support for LDAP authentication asavchuk
7 months ago Skip database creation if one is already created ivanov
7 months ago Adding structured API error messages rouilj
7 months ago Reimplement filtering on index page richard
7 months ago Add show password to all bundled templates rouilj
7 months ago push notifications for changes to open issues rouilj
7 months ago Implement collision detection (lost edit prevention) for XML-RPC rouilj
7 months ago Replace classhelp/calendar frame system rouilj
8 months ago K8s/Kubernetes spec for Roundup rouilj
8 months ago Enhance roundup-mailgw ( to handle Maildir format (or be triggered from aiosmtpd) rouilj
8 months ago Add new template: todo list/GTD rouilj
8 months ago Update install doc to include setup/run with virtual env rouilj
9 months ago Better error feedback rouilj
9 months ago xml output via .xml extension doesn't work for /rest/ or /rest/data rouilj
9 months ago Modify link to Roundup docs in sidebar for all templates rouilj
9 months ago Add support for psycopg3 library rouilj
10 months ago Replace xmlrpclib (xmlrpc.client) with defusedxml rouilj
10 months ago REST API versioning: how to handle schema changes rouilj
11 months ago Provide way to retrieve file/msg data via rest endpoint. rouilj
11 months ago Invalid REST Accept header with post/put performs change before returning 406. rouilj
11 months ago Missing cache headers for REST collection and special endpoints rouilj
12 months ago Use whoosh query syntax AND/OR/NEAR/wildcard/fuzzy rouilj
12 months ago Markdown2 emphasis intra-word ced
12 months ago email gateway discards changes to messages and files (done with subject tag) if there is a message body rouilj
13 months ago Modify password PBKDF2 method to use SHA512 rouilj
13 months ago Change packaging from using directly rouilj
13 months ago add support for zoneinfo (python 3.9+) in addition to pytz rouilj
13 months ago Handling of socket timeouts joseph_myers
14 months ago Skip NODEFAULT web address in email signature wking
16 months ago Test Roundup with TIDB (mysql compatible distributed database) rouilj
16 months ago Add support for specifying valid origins for api: xmlrpc/rest rouilj
17 months ago Support limiting POST (file upload) size rouilj
17 months ago Repurpose superseder field to related field. rouilj
17 months ago Invalid HTML in some places - change templates to html5 epaepa
17 months ago User signup email flow improvements rouilj
17 months ago Add REST support for history rouilj
17 months ago Make translation easier for translators. rouilj
19 months ago consider adding scrypt or argon2 for password hashing to replace pbkdf2 rouilj
20 months ago Consider adding purge function - delete info files/msgs (e.g. secrets/PII) rouilj
20 months ago Add verification step to message/file unlinking in ui. rouilj
20 months ago Implement schema permissions for roundup-admin (possibly password too) rouilj
20 months ago Add support for external files stefan
20 months ago remove-user buttons should be removed for admin an guest (anonymous) radioking
20 months ago Does not support non-ascii chars for All text search (with Xapian) jerome
20 months ago Improving the test coverage of the Roundup test suite pefu
20 months ago Update docs on how to access headers from an action rouilj
20 months ago roundup-server should exit with error if -d <pidfile> is used without -l <logfile> rouilj
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